January 23, 2021
Trust, but Verify
Ronald Reagan, famously. About the Russians.
Kaiser Coward Pharmacist
On Thursday, 7/23/20 6:30 AM
I placed an Internet order for 90 phentermine
tablets, 37.5 Mg, with the Kaiser Mail Order Pharmacy.
They agreed to Ship 90, and charge me $14.55. That was Thursday morning.
When the mail order pharmacist saw phentermine and realized this was a "controlled substance",
he/she sat bolt upright and peed his/her underware.
Pee your Pants?
Oh my God, Phentermine
They are going to take my license away!!
The pharmacist went to the vending machine in the bathroom and purchased some fresh underware.
It took 6 days. The order shipped on 7/29/20. They
a quantity of 30 (not
90 as the DOCTOR called for).
Can't Stand the Pressure?
I wrote
a letter that
spelled out the situation. And demanded that they fix it. It is a clown
circus they have going on at the Mail Order Pharmacy in Downey, California.
I have asked (demanded) to know the name of the pharmacist that butchered my prescription. Kaiser
Permanente in typical (and predictable) fashion has refused to give up the name. It remains to be
seen how this will play out.
For me, this is exactly the point.
Jinkyung Bai
CA Pharmacy License Number
RHP 56416, Exp 2/28/22
DOB 4/16/65
9400 Rosecrans Ave
Bellflower, CA
Huong Le, PharmD
Huong Le, PharmD
Colorado Pharmacy License Number PHA 0018486
On Wednesday, 7/29/20 during a Kaiser Permanente
"Chat with a Pharmacist" session,
Huong Le spewed out a story about a California State law that is just stunning in how idioticly wrong it is.
She said:
Per California State law they can only process and ship 30 tablets of phentermine at a time.
It is readily verifiable that there is no such law. Huong Le is either dishonest, or she is mis-informed. And if you
think mis-informed, that inevitably leads to the question, where do you suppose she gets it from?
Huong Le brings shame and disgrace on herself and the entire Pharmacy community. When I see this
behavior, I think this is very sad. But it makes it clear to me the importance that I know the
names of the people who I am dealing with, when (quite litterally) my health, and my very
life are
Ashley Mayer, PIC
King Soopers Pharmacist, charges me for 60, only puts 30 in the bottle.
Max Bastow, MD
Kaiser Permanente. Max Bastow, MD. My primary care provider. Tells me to have my testosterone pellets removed. This is the
equivelant of asking someone to have their appendix put back in.
Bad Drugs
On 5 seperate occasions from 9/4/14 to 11/18/14, Kaiser Permanente Rock
Creek Pharmacy compounded and dispensed a prescription with an expired ingredient.
On 4 other occasions from 5/14/14 to 10/8/14, there was incomplete
compounding record documentation.
Kaiser Peermanente
Rock Creek Pharmacy, PDO 12-7
280 Exempla Cr
Lafayette, CO 80026
Guilty Plea
Stipulation Case 2015-239
ID Stipulation Case 2015-239. with
Pharmacist in Boulder Longmont uses old dried up drugs.
ID 40769975. with
South Logan Family Practice
895 S Logan St
Denver, CO 80209
303 733 3764
My PCP, effective 1/1/2020
Undated prescription.
(on paper) phentermine, 37.5 mg
picked up on 1/15/21. 11:00 AM Appointment. Amy showed up at
about 11:35. I asked for the scrip on paper. I think the paper
scrip is very rare (read never), and therefor a few kinks in
the process. No date on the scrip, which caused the King Soopers
Pharmacy to refuse to fill the scrip, at 4:50 PM. Friday afternoon, at the
beginning of a three day weekend. Nice. My street number and street name
are both typed wrong. These are both "minor" problems,
in that they do not prevent the scrip from being filled, and I am
able to correct the address myself on
the patient portal.
So about 15 minutes of my time wasted at the appointment because Amy is late.
Then another 25 minutes at King Soopers, fooling around with a scrip that
won't work because the person that filled it out is incompetent, i.e., did not date the document.
[note: this does not count the 10 minutes or so to fix the typos in my address]
I then stop by Amy's office with the defective (undated) scrip on Tuesday morning, 1/19/21. This
is the next day the office is open because of the MLK holiday. I ask for the scrip to be corrected,
and (of course) have to sit down and wait. About 15 minutes.
So the total time wasted (preventable) by my count, and of course this is my time
that I am counting up, is 55 minutes. One hour and 10 minutes if I include the
additional drive time I used when I went out of the way to stop at her office. How
much is your time worth to you, Amy? And the question I would like for you to ask
yourself is, how much is my time worth to you? I'm not asking you for money. I am asking
you to be aware. To consider what I have said, let it sink in for 2 minutes or so.
If you disagree with me, please say so. Have I got it wrong? Am I being too hard on you?
Please say so. I think I can respect you if we disagree. Right now, I think you
disrespect me. Our relationship will struggle until we can get to where we respect each other.
On Wednesday, 1/20/21, In the morning, I called the office and left a 3 point message for Amy:
1) I made an appointment for Feb 4th at 11 AM
2) Please replace KS with OptumRX as my Pharmacy
3) I explained that my Meds got ordered at KS in error. Should have been OptumRX. I had spent
2 trips to the KS pharmacy. Ashley Mayer, the Manager, had
a list of
all the meds that had been called in. I cancelled all of them, except
the Metoprolol. I Picked up the Metrolol Tartrate because they had it ready and it only
cost $2.58. I cancelled the other 6 items on the list at King Soopers.
Most of the others have already been transferred to Optum, but for some reason, the Topiramate
did not get transferred, and that is the one that I need now.
I need a scrip for Topiramate at OptumRX, please.
at my 1/7/21 appointment, I gave Amy a typed list of
the Medications I was taking.
I had an appointment with my foot doctor Savage at 2:10 PM.
I got
this voice message from
Amy Hinds at 2:10 PM.
Hi Phil
This is Amy from MedNOW Clinics.
I'll definately send in your Topomax next time to OptumRx Pharmacy,
but um
it appears you already picked it up from King Soopers
so we'll definetly get that for you in 90 days,
or whenever you need it
OK thanks bye
Nathan Moore, ?

MedNow Clinics
15101 E Iliff Ave, #140
Aurora, CO 80014
Nathan Moore, Addiction
(720) 878 7055
Hope you are not in a hurry.
You make an appointment today. You come back in 5 months.
Maybe Nathan Moore will
see you.
I had an appointment on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 11:30. I showed up on time.
Nathan was there. He refused to speak to me. There no apology for the cancelled appointment. I
was sent away with a "F--K You" (is the way it came across to me), and don't let the
screen door hit you where the Good Lord split you, on your way out.
And I think to myself
Did I miss something here? Apparently!
Pardon me for showing up on time for my appointment.
Philip G Rice
11268 E Linvale Dr
Aurora, CO 80014
Health Record Number 427582802, DOB 4/25/53
-- End of Letter --
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