January 21, 2021
Attn: Complaint Number 03 Against Member Services Department
Complaint 3, Executive Summary
The Law

The Law: According to Huong Le, PharmD (presumably an authorized Kaiser representative)
Huong thi thanh Le, a/k/a Huong Le
Colorado Pharmacy License PHA0018486

California State law is silent
on the quantity that may be initially dispensed for
prescriptions (controlled substances and non-controlled).
My daughter Mary graduated from CU in 2006. Dick Fuld was the
speaker at her graduation at the football stadium. Dick Fuld was the CEO at Lehman Brothers. 2 years
later, in 2008, Dick Fuld led the way as Lehman Bros went over the cliff.
From Wikipedia:
The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008 was the climax of the subprime mortgage
crisis. After the financial services firm was notified of a pending credit downgrade due to its
heavy position in subprime mortgages, the Federal Reserve summoned several banks to negotiate financing for
its reorganization. These discussions failed, and Lehman filed a Chapter 11 petition that remains the
largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, involving more than US$600 billion in assets.
The bankruptcy triggered a 4.5% one-day drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, then the
largest decline since the September 11, 2001 attacks. It signaled a limit to the government's
ability to manage the crisis and prompted a general financial panic. Money market mutual funds, a key
source of credit, saw mass withdrawal demands to avoid losses, and the interbank lending market
tightened, threatening banks with imminent failure. The government and the Federal Reserve system
responded with several emergency measures to contain the panic.
I saw it coming. And I
said so
, in July of 2008. Publicly. And I named names.
Philip G Rice
11268 E Linvale Dr
Aurora, CO 80014
Health Record Number 427582802, DOB 4/25/53
-- End of Letter --
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