February 10, 2021

ECHO TTE Complete

Transthoracic Echo Real Time W 2D Image
Spectral and Color Flow Doppler Complete (Final result)


Jeannine Beaudoin, RDCS

Visit Date: 10/20/20

Print ECHO Report

Patient: Philip G Rice

Jeannine Beaudoin, RDCS
31191 Black Eagle Dr #304
Evergreen, CO 80439

Signed by Interpreting Physician
Adam Betkowski (Cardiologist)
on 10/21/20

Reviewd by:
Jennifer McLean, MD
on 10/28/2020

CYA / Blame the patient Report
written by
Colleen Dynel Campbell, NP

Bogus BP readings recorded on a yellow sticky note by the moron, Jeannine Beaudoin.
Electronic/Automatic/Idiot Proof = 158/82
Electronic/Automatic/Idiot Proof = 155/85
Maunual Cuff = 135/80
What is wrong with this picture?

I am confident that all three of these readings are wrong. And I mean not even close. Coleen Campbell was itching to measure my blood pressure. Lord only knows what she would have come up with, but it would not have been been obejective, and it would not have been accurate. If for no other reason than my stress level was off the chart.

ECHO Print, click to enlarge
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ECHO Conclusion, by Adam S Betkowski, 12/27/20
Cardiolgist at Kaiser Permanente

After Visit Summary 10/20/20

Bogus BP reading, finds its way into my health records. Once it gets in, the damage is done. There is no "eraser", no way to correct wrong info.

The original, complete, Exam Notes: This yellow sticky note is all there is to the exam notes. And the writing at the bottom of the sticky note is by Phil Rice.

The BP data was written by Jeannine Beaudoin, who is not a nurse. She is not qualified (or competent) to accurately measure and record blood pressure. The BP data found its way onto the After Visit Summary, i.e., my medical record.

In addition to being an unqualified moron, Jeannine Beaudoin is not provided functional BP measuring equipment by Kaiser Permanente. And She is not properly trained on procedures for what to do with defective BP devices. This would be because there are no procedures. The documented, approved, appropriate procedures that provide written guidance to frontline staff on what to do with defective BP equipment. Those procedures do not exist. They are off in the future. Way off.

As such, no one knows what to do.

Everyone is afraid to do anything.

They put the equipment back where they found it, say nothing, and leave it to the next poor slob (a/k/a Phil Rice) to deal with. Colleen Campbell, I am thinking of (accusing) you. I expect you will CYA long before any inspector gets there. And for the record, I sincerely hope I am wrong.

These sorry ass BP devices have (no doubt) been cranking out bogus data since the Eisenhower administration.

How could this possibly happen, you say?

Colleen (Hot Lips) Campbell comes along and writes up a report, and all she can think of is to blame me. Because I had the nerve to ask the Sonographer to tell me her name. And the sonographer is emotionally unstable. So the question: What is your name? Caused her to freak out.

What do you suppose happened to those bogus BP devices?

It's tempting to blame Jeannine Beaudoin and/or Colleen Campbell. Based on the way I was treated, I have a strong dislike for both of them. On at least 2 different levels, Management is desperately needed. And nowhere to be found.

Management needs to: 1) Clarify the issue of Sonographer working under the name Jeannine Doe. If it's OK, Management needs to say so, and clarify the Member Rights Statement (MRS). The way it reads now, a member would reasonably expect to be told a Sonographer's name. Jeannine Beaudoin is making up her own rules, and Phil Rice and Jeannine Beaudoin are both subject to abuse that could easily be avoided. 2) Lead the way on what to do with the defective BP equipment. Management should be very embarassed. They should think about trying to fix it so this never happens again. What a concept.

End Notes

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