Demand Letter Update


Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy 985
License PHY 41612
9521 Dalen St,  Room R
Downey, CA  90242

Sheetal Vakil, Pharmacist in Charge (PIC)
License RPH 54839

The Players:

Jinkyung Bai, Pharmacist, RPH 56416

Alexis Morgan, Office Manager
(866)  523-6059
(866)  206-2983

Leslie Janine Bauer, NP

Jennifer McLean, MD

Adam Gilden Tsai,
Dept Head at Weight Loss Clinic (Bariatric) Kaiser

Idiotic Statement:
Please give your feedback to the mail order pharmacy as I know they are working hard to rectify this.
Jennifer McLean, MD



Kaiser Invoice
09/03/20 Shipping Document
Quantity 60 = $11.37

01/20/20 Shipping Document
Quantity 90 = $14.55

California State Board of Pharmacy,
Julie Ansel, Chief of Enforcement,
letter dated 4/5/22.
The letter was signed by:
Joshua Monforte, Enforcement Analyst.

California State Board of Pharmacy,
Anne Sodergren, Executive Officer,
form letter dated 9/10/20.
If you prefer, the jpg version in 2 pages
Letter, Page 1
Letter, Page 2
The letter was signed by:
Christina Webber, Complaint Technician.

Marcanthony T
Case Resolution Specialist
letter dated 01/28/21.
Unsigned. Received 02/01/21.
If you prefer, the jpg version in 2 pages
Letter, Page 1
Letter, Page 2

Leslie Bauer email , 8/6/20
we have been having issues with Mail Order Pharmacy and a few here in Colorado KP region that are not filling 90 as requested.  I am working on this problem and since Mail Order is from California, we do not have any control over their dispensing.  However, this was to be addressed sometime this month.

Letter, dated 7/9/23, to the
Downey, CA, Postmaster
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5

Section 17 eliminates the requirement that the board send letters of admonition by certified mail;

Case Number 2019-8082
Example sorry ass letter of admonition, signed by Dmitry Kunin, Program Director.
The letter says, "It was the Board's decision..."
presumably the 2019 board.
Sorry Ass Letter Page 1
Sorry Ass Letter Page 2

At the very end of the letter:
Your Healthcare Professions Profile will be updated to reflect this Colorado public action.  Pursuant to section 12-30-102 , C.R.S., your Healthcare Professions Profile must be updated within thirty (30) days of any reportable event.

California State Board
Case Number 6638, OAH No. 2020060711.1
OptumRx PHY 47482, and
Shawn Jason Bjorndal RPH 65593

b. (page 11) third amended accusation
On or about July 26, 2017, in case number Cl 2016 74253, the Board issued a Letter of Admonishment to Shawn Bjorndal pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 4315 for violating Business and Professions Code section 4073, subdivision (b), dispensing an unauthorized substitution of a generic drug and California Code of Regulations, title 16, section 1717.4, subdivision (h) and Health & Safety Code section 11164, subdivision (b)(1), in that he failed to validate the security, integrity and authority of controlled substances prescriptions while employed at another pharmacy.

44. (page 10) Second Cause for Discipline
Respondents are subject to disciplinary action under Code section 4301(o), for violating Code section 4059.5, subdivision (e) in that they failed to comply with the laws of another state when delivering drugs to a patient in that state, as set forth in paragraphs 31 through 42 above, which are incorporated herein by reference. 4059.5
(e) A dangerous drug or dangerous device shall not be transferred, sold, or delivered to a person outside this state, whether foreign or domestic, unless the transferor, seller, or deliverer does so in compliance with the laws of this state and of the United States and of the state or country to which the dangerous drugs or dangerous devices are to be transferred, sold, or delivered. Compliance with the laws of this state and the United States and of the state or country to which the dangerous drugs or dangerous devices are to be delivered shall include, but not be limited to, determining that the recipient of the dangerous drugs or dangerous devices is authorized by law to receive the dangerous drugs or dangerous devices.


Kaiser Mail Order Pharmacy
Invoice :  01/20/20  90 = $14.55
Phentermine Labels:
04/14/20, label 01, Ordered 90, Shipped 90
07/29/20, label 02, Ordered 90, Shipped 30

California State Board of Pharmacy
Inspection Report
Kaiser Permanente Mail Order Pharmacy
Central Fill
Dalen, CA
45,000 prescriptions daily, 6 days per week.
42 pharmacist, 60 technicians
160 plus ancillary staff

Movie, file dated 9/19/20.
Movie notes:
Non secure shipping, poor internal control
Phentermine was always shipped to me via the US Mail, no signature required.
The package was left in my mailbox with the regular mail.  I didn't know it was coming.

If, for example, someone broke into my mailbox after the postman had delivered the phentermine, and taken only the phentermine, it might have taken several days or even weeks for me to realize I had been victimized.

My mailbox was locked, but I wonder if these packages and procedures were used with unsecured mailboxes.

The package always had at least one small hole, big enough to move a pill thru without difficulty.  The movie demonstrates how easy it would be for anyone to open the unsealed container of pills, remove one (or all) of the pills from the container, and then one by one, take the pills out of the package.  All of this could be done without opening the package.

If someone was so inclined, they could then put fake pills back into the package, and then back into the container.  And then put the lid on the container, and screw the lid shut.

The consumer would have no way of knowing.

If we assume there was some sort of criminal operation going on, and ask the question, would a criminal operation prefer the phentermine to be shipped out in 3 packages of 30, or one package of 90? Is it possible that the Mexican drug cartels, or Putin's Russian hackers had some (direct or indirect) influence on Jinkyung Bai's decision to change the quantity from 90 to 30? Did anyone even ask Jinkyung Bai for an explanation of what caused her to change the quantity from 90 to 30? Presumably if she was being paid off by the Mexican Drug cartel, she would have lied about it.

If the answer is that this is a simple case of human error, I say, OK fine. Did Jinkyung Bai say it was human error? I have some compelling evidence that this is not human error. Huong Le, for example, felt the need to invent a California law that did not exist. My doctor wrote the words on the prescription long before Jinkyung Bai ever got involved. My doctor must have known that something was causing some kind of issues with dispensing 90 of these pills.

end movie notes

Her response was a disrespectful, idiotic statement.  She told me I should be satisfied that she was a pharmacist because of the name tag she was wearing.  And that I could (should?) trust her because she said so.

BS Meter

I asked Paige Doe, acting pharmacy manager, about the scrip that had been rejected at this pharmacy on 8/22/22.  Paige Doe said that my prescription being rejected was in some way related to a conference call with the DEA.  My bullshit meter started to twitch.

Paige Okamoto, PharmD, PHA 0023242

I walked away from my conversation with Paige Doe on 9/22/22 feeling very much disrespected.  She regarded me the same way a cat regards a moth.

Ask Cal St Board for cite. I want to read the law/rule where it says they can't tell me the names of the licensees who got warned. Or are they just making that part up? Because they prefer to work in the dark. They don't want me (or anyone) to verify that the bad ass warning is all bullshit.

Verify the pharmacist name, Jinkyung Bai, and Sheetal Vakil, show up on the annual report sent to the state with the license fee.

-- End of Letter --


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