Navigate: home / site map / disclaimer / FoiF / OPML / Who's Who / vCard / May 20th, 2006 Link to this WebsiteThis page is designed to help you link your Website to mine.If you need help, or if you would like to request a reciprocal link, send me an email - Use this code:
to produce this link: MKG Appraisal based in Aurora, Colorado. Real estate appraisal case studies with analysis and discussion of appraiser ethics. Philip G Rice (vCard / FoiF) is a pioneer in the development of forensic appraisal techniques. The basic link: MKG Appraisal Services: 720-282-3376 Residential real estate appraisal based in Aurora, CO. Code for the basic link: <p><a href="">MKG Appraisal Services</a>: 720-282-3376 Residential real estate appraisal based in Aurora, CO. </p> MKG WebSite Description: Colorado real estate appraisal based in Aurora. Residential appraisal case studies with analysis and discussion of appraiser ethics. Philip G Rice is a pioneer in the development of forensic appraisal techniques.
suggested code for the above link: <TABLE border="1.0" bordercolor="blue" bgcolor="cornsilk"><Tr><Th><a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="Aurora, CO Appraisal" width="27" height="23"></a></Th><Th> <a href="">MKG Appraisal</a>, Aurora, CO 80014, 720-282-3376 </Th></Tr></TABLE> Hint: If you have trouble with copy/paste of the above code - try using MS Notepad as a middle step. Do this: select the above code using your mouse, then "edit" then "copy". Open a blank page in MS Notepad and then "edit/paste" then "edit/select all/copy". Then open your Webpage, in the HTML code area you then "edit/paste". This will give you a "clean" version of the above code. MKG Logos:
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