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FoaF for Dummies

Who's Who in FoaF

  1. Dan Brickley - FoaF
  2. Libby Miller
  3. Philip G Rice (test Dummy) -- FoaF

Links to FoaF Research/Instructions/Specs

  1. Wikipedia
  2. FoaF Project Main Page
  3. FoaF FAQ
  4. FoaF Spec
  5. Edd Dumbhill article - 2002
  6. O'Reilly Introduction - 2004
  7. CNN Article - 2003
  8. wot - gpg/PGP - author signature of the FoaF file

FoaF Resources

  1. W3C Validator
  2. FOAF-a-matic
  3. FoaF Explorer
  4. FoaF Bot
  5. Drupal

FoaF Examples

Official Examples

Eikeon FoaF file  - a real life example

  1. Daniel Krech / Eikeon -- FoaF
  2. Donna Fales - FoaF
  3. Edd Dumbill - FoaF
  4. Ronald Reck FoaF
  5. Andrew Kuchling - FoaF
  6. Eric Miller - FoaF
  7. Aaron Swartz - FoaF
  8. Kendall Grant Clark -- FoaF
  9. Gabriel Wachob -- FoaF
  10. Jim Ley -- FoaF - does not validate
  11. Jordan Katz -- FoaF
  12. Leandro Mariano López -- FoaF

Scott Yang Blog / FoaF - does not validate

Glen Slaven / FoaF

Related Websites

  1. Perceive Designs
  2. Fourthough
  3. University of Bristol
  4. Friendster
  5. / Denver
  6. Linked In

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